2A, Ogunnusi Road, Riggs Plaza, Suite B20, First Floor, Omole Phase 1 Bus stop, Omole, Ojodu, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.


front ilage

The time is now, delay no further 

Enrol for a training programme at ITAM and differentiate yourself in the Industry with a professional certification / designation in Trade Association Management
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Becoming a member 

Membership of the Institute is open to individual persons operating in the formal or informal sector including artisans, groups, registered Trade Associations and Organizations. It is open for those who aspire to broaden their knowledge or acquire new skill with professional certification for leading a trade association of any sector or industry. There are various categories of members. Starting from the student membership . Each categories are required to pay an annual subscription each year. 

 * Student Membership * Corporate Membership.



1. Get a letter of Certificate of Membership of the Institute of Trade Association (CITAM) 2. Entitled to use the membership designation after your name 3. Get access to the Institute periodic update and discount on seminars and conference fees. 4. Eligible to proceed for further studies and membership categories. 

Corporate 1. Get a letter of Certificate of Corporate Membership of the Institute of Trade Association (COITAM) 2. Eligible to a Spot for sharing your update or articles in the Institute periodic magazine. 3. Eligible to receive free one-time service of the Institute Membership Clinic Program. .

Governing Council

The leadership ITAM is held by a team of technocrats in diverse industry and space with local and international reputations. The Advisory and Governing council is made up of credible individuals who has transverse the public and private sector in course of their careers, with experience spanning over 25 years in trade associations membership and growth. Administration of the National Secretariat based in Lagos is headed by the Director General, responsible for day-to- day operations of the Company; under the leadership of the board of directors led by its President/Chief Executive Officer ensuring compliance with the Institute’s Memorandum and Articles of Association.


Institute of Trade Association Management

The Institute of Trade Association Management  (ITAM) is a non-government, non-profit, independent professional organization duly incorporated under the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of Nigeria in 2023 as a company limited by guarantee with registration No. 7107676

ITAM is poised with suit of leadership training, governance, membership growth, and management of trade associations in modern economy.

Knowledge, Research and Advocacy for Meaningful Leadership

Surmount the rising challenges /decadence in leadership.

Develop skill for leading a Non Governmental -Organizations.

Acquire Skill for Metrics and Analysing  Situations.

What We Offer 

We run certificate Course, Diploma and Graduate Programs on Trade Association Management, with tailor made training for trade association leaders and members in diverse sector, both those operating in the formal and informal sector. Modern leaders and managers require innovative skills and bolstered competencies in managing their organizations effectively and proficiently with cognizance to sustainable development for inclusive growth, productivity and shared prosperity.


Trade Association Management Program 

Certificate / Diploma Courses
Graduate /Associate Program
Fellowship / Certified  Association Manager
Doctoral Certificate – (Honorary Award) 

Join Us

The Conference of Nigeria Trade Associations (CONiTA), is an innovative mechanism, a multi-trade association interface seeking to evolve changes that brings about inclusive growth and shared prosperity to achieving sustainable development.
Courses offered Image
Certificate shall be issued for single courses covered per time. The Certificate Courses can be taken individually or as a group.
The Courses are designed for persons with little or no working experience in a trade association environment, plus other programs for those with more years of working experience with trade association.  Get in Touch with us for to know more,,,
Study Guidance
Each course will take 2-4 hours to complete. Followed by a completion of an assignment and assessment. The certificate program can be taken online through a specified digital platform on regular basis. The link shall be provided on request upon confirmation of registration.